Research of Receiving and Transmitting Unit of Acoustic Ultra Short Base-Line Positioning System; The metal detector consists of transmitter unit and receiver unit. 水声超短基线定位系统收发单元设计该金属探测仪主要由发射机单元和接收机单元组成。
Long Range Ultra short Base-Line Positioning System use the phase difference of the signal from receiving base-array, the signal is generated from the aim with responder. 长程超短基线定位系统是利用水下五个装有应答器的目标发出应答信号,根据接收基阵收到的信号的相位差进行定位。
Ultra short Base-Line Positioning System has wide application in Ocean Scientific field. 超短基线定位系统在海洋科学领域应用十分广泛。